
Taranaki Sustainable Backyards Trail

The Taranaki Sustainable Backyards Trail was a new feature of the Taranaki Gardens Festival this year. It showcased the grittier side of gardening. No topiaries here. Not an iceberg in sight. This was living off the land as much as humanly possible, usually on a quarter acre section.

The espaliered fruit trees were a feature of many of these gardens, an attempt to fit in as many fruit producing trees as possible. Pears, apples, plus, cherries…they were all pruned hard and dripping with fruit. We all came away determined to cover any bare fences with flattened fruit trees.  

The gardeners were also a different breed. Less linen more wool. However they all shared a passion for plants and at the end of the day, isn’t that what gardening is all about?

For more info..