Garden Art

Garden Art

Art work in your garden provides a critical focus and point of interest, no matter what the season. We can find the perfect piece….

Garden Inspiration

Be inspired – garden shows and events, gardens to stay in,  new garden books, all aimed at sparking your creativity and finding new ideas…

Garden Help

Got ideas, but need help bringing them to fruition or don’t even know where to start, find  that help right here. Garden designers, landscapers…

My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece”

Claude Monet

Latest Blog Posts
  • Hurunui Garden Festival – Day 3 on the home straight

    BY | 10 November 2021

    We woke up on Day 3 in the parking paddock at Flaxmere, the legendary Hawarden garden of Penny Zino and wondered how it could get any better than what we had seen so far at the…

  • Hurunui Garden Festival – Day 2 The Jewel in the Crown

    BY | 7 November 2021

    After a rather hectic 1st day of our Hurunui Garden Festival (HGF) tour, we agreed to take it a bit easier on Day 2. We woke up early to birdsong in Coldstream, a garden of National…

  • Hurunui Garden Festival – Day 1 a miracle of sorts

    BY | 3 November 2021

    At this time of year it is difficult to decide which of the garden festivals to visit. The last couple of years we have been to the Taranaki Festivals – so many gardens you could go…